Nearshoring with the Build-Operate-Transfer option in Poland
Since 2012, we have offered foreign enterprises nearshoring solutions for IT services in Poland, including the innovative and increasingly popular Build Operate Transfer (BOT) service.
Thanks to our experience and services, we facilitate entry into the Polish market and minimize risks.

What exactly is Build Operate Transfer nearshoring?
Nearshoring is the transfer of a company’s activities to a foreign country, but it is within the same or similar time zone or business culture. Poland is a leader when it comes to nearshoring. Suppose you are considering transferring part of your business to Poland but fear this process will consume time, effort, and resources. In that case, our Build Operate Transfer service is for you.
We offer this solution to foreign companies considering or have decided to transfer part of their business to Poland or open a new branch here.

Build Operate Transfer (BOT) Service
Our Build Operate Transfer service is an innovative solution for companies that want to start their operations in Poland. We offer full support at every stage of the process:
Build: We help you build and adapt the infrastructure and team to your needs, and we also offer support in the field of legal formalities.
Operate: We manage your business in Poland for a specified period, ensuring continuity of operations and high-quality services.
Transfer: After the end of the operational period, we transfer control of your business, allowing you complete control of your branch office in Poland.
Contact us
Please learn more about our services and nearshoring opportunities in Poland with Build Operate Transfer.

What can we offer you in our Nearshoring service:
- Finding and renting an office that meets your expectations and genuine needs
- Office organization – equipment, Internet connections, infrastructure – everything that allows for comfortable work
- Building teams of qualified IT specialists (and more)
- Administrative and HR services (salaries, insurance, taxes
- Representing the company in institutions and offices in tax and legal matters
The presented model was developed and successfully implemented in cooperation with companies from Scandinavia and Germany.

Why nearshoring in Poland?
Poland has become one of the most desirable places on the nearshoring map for several reasons:
Highly educated staff
Polish engineers have occupied leading positions in international rankings for many years. There are 2 million students each year, including over 225,000 in computer engineering, mathematics, and statistics. These successes make Poland a perfect place to implement IT projects, software development, and other outsourcing services.
Common knowledge of foreign languages
67% of working-age people declare knowledge of at least one foreign language. And nearly 50% of people aged 20-30 claim knowledge of two foreign languages.
Location on the map
Center of Europe, direct air connections to European and world capitals. A significant advantage is the short flight time and the frequency of flights. Daily flights to most European capitals and cities. Several times a week to further, less popular destinations.
Business culture
The culture in Poland is consistent with Western work standards. Polish employees are valued for their commitment, diligence, and creativity. Another benefit of investing in Poland is the same or similar time zone. Decisions and actions can be carried out without delay.
There is security, neutrality, and a stable political situation in Poland. Membership in the EU and NATO guarantees that transferring business to Poland is a lower risk.
Fast Internet is available throughout the country, not only in large cities. Most IT companies switched to remote work almost seamlessly during the Covid lockdown. Modern office centres are designed with great care for the practical work of employees.
Do you want to know more about investing in Poland?
Read the article on our blog: Are IT investments in Poland profitable?

Why Infolet?
As an outsourcing company with many years of experience, know-how, and resources, we ensure the successful implementation of the BOT project in Poland. Our company engages qualified experts and provides full support in the transfer process, ensuring your company has a seamless transfer of operations to Poland.
If you are interested in the benefits of nearshoring in Poland and the Build Operate Transfer option, please contact us. We are waiting to help you grow your business.
Contact us today to learn more about our services and nearshoring opportunities in Poland with Build Operate Transfer.